NXT Notes

Our Condolences to Roman Reigns on the loss of his Father and to Pat McAfee on the loss of his Father-in-Law

The show opens with a tag team turmoil with the winner getting a title shot at Heatwave. My favorite team, New Catch Republic is taking part. Rules are 2 teams start, once you have been eliminated by pin, submission or count out, the next team is out. Tyler/Pete with the win but now face Angel/Humberto. Tyler/Pete move on to face Anderson/Gallows. Tyler/Pete took care of them, now facing Chase University. It was a hell of a win but Chase University is heading to heatwave.

I can’t stand Ethan Page, need I say more.

Wes Lee facing Joe Coffee. With that win by Wes, he earns 1 final title shot at the North American Title that Oba Femi holds. If Wes loses, he can’t compete again for the title as long as Oba is holding it.

Tony D’Dangelo holds on to the Heritage Cup. Nathan Frazer gave Tony one hell of a fight.

Roxy had a match, beating Petra. Lola Vice was at ringside, after the match Lola joined Roxy in the ring but Lola knocked Roxy out, taking her title. Lola returned the title to Ava, telling her that she wanted a match at Heatwave.

The Men’s NXT Title match at Heatwave is now a Fatal 4 way

Published by Cricket Fox

Originally from Ohio but now call Adelaide, South Australia home. Husband Phil and I have taken our love of travel, being tourist in our own city, along with my love of Knit/Crochet turning it all into my world of writing. Phil helps with editing, along with final sign off on video projects. Pulling it all together under our prodection company "Fox5263 Productions"

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