Clash at the Castle

At the time of writing this, the live event has taken place. I am watching the replay.

**MATCH 1 — Bianca Belair/Alexa Bliss/Asuka facing Bailey/Dakota Kai/Io Sky in a 6-women tag team match. This match won’t end well, it’s going to get dirty. thanks to a braid hold by Bailey on Bianca, they stole the win. A triple-team win. I can see Bailey coming after Bianca for the title. Bailey is back to playing the heal.

**MATCH 2 — Fight Night. Sheamus in a match against Gunther for the Intercontentional Title. Sheamus has welts on his chest from Gunther taking it out on him. They both are leaving it all in the ring. Sheamus tried a Bro Kick but the back gave out. Gunther wins but it was a hell of a fight. It’s going to be hard to beat this for the match of the night. The Crowd is showing their appreciation to Sheamus for the match.

**MATCH 3 — Smackdown Women’s title is on the line when Liv Morgan Faces Shayna Bazler. This is going to be ugly, hoping Liv can hold her own. Shayna is going to end up breaking Liv’s arm to win the watch. Holy Crap, I have no clue how Liv pulled that off. The MMA training with riddle sure helped. It was a clean pin. It was good to see Shayna get challenged a bit.

***Extreme Rules — October 8 in Philadelphia

**MATCH 4 — Rey Mysterio/Edge facing The Judgement Day. Edge/Rey have tagged up in the past, winning tag belts. Boy, that was messy but with a little help from Dom, Edge/ Rey got the win but I see a heel turning coming. Dom racked Edge and clothes-lined his Dad. Watch this space. This story is just getting started.

62,296 in Attendance in Cardiff

**MATCH 5 — Matt Riddle once again facing Seth Rollins. This won’t end well. The ref has given this match some leeway but it has gotten very ugly, Just when I thought Matt had it won Seth pulls out something to save the match. (this is one storyline that needs to change, it’s boring and very old) The stomp needs to be outlawed, once and for all. Seth ran his mouth dragging in the divorce that Matt is going through, using his anger against him. This storyline is not over.

**MATCH 6 — Drew McIntyre facing Roman for the Belt. ( I am so over this storyline, Roman needs to be beaten and the sooner the better. Shows are getting boring with no main titles to be defended, The Bloodline story is old, and Roman has only stayed champion thanks to all the help he has gotten. It’s time for Roman to defend with everyone barred from ringside.)(OMG even in the presser Roman is still being a dick)At the start of the match, the crowd gets under Roman’s skin. You can see he is uncomfortable. Karron Cross ran his mouth to distract Drew. 734 days that have been too many, tell me one thing exciting about Roman’s title reign.

Thanks to the Usos’s younger Brother showing up, is how roman has managed to keep the belt. (Solo Sakoa)

See you for Extreme Rules in October

Published by Cricket Fox

Originally from Ohio but now call Adelaide, South Australia home. Husband Phil and I have taken our love of travel, being tourist in our own city, along with my love of Knit/Crochet turning it all into my world of writing. Phil helps with editing, along with final sign off on video projects. Pulling it all together under our prodection company "Fox5263 Productions"

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