WWE Notes for RAW

It was one of the better shows for RAW this week. It was not overloaded, and the storylines were able to develop. They are still setting the card for Clash at the Castle. Matches I am not sure why but it’s getting those who are from the area in the mix with a hometown show( not sure how to word that)

Today I am trying something a little different, giving you my input on storylines

**Judgement Day — It’s looking like they are working on breaking up Judgement Day. Liv will stop at nothing until she has it all, including Dom. There is talk that Rhea should be ready to return around Summerslam and that should make for an all-out war. (Becky is off on an extended break, not sure of her return) Damien is facing Drew Mcintyre at Clash at the Castle for the RAW Men’s title (I know it’s not the correct title listing but how I can keep things straight) Will be interesting to see if they put the title on Drew, with being in his home country. They are taking the time with this, which I am glad about. Also have read that Rhea may become a babyface on her return. Only time will tell.

**Sheamus faced Ludwig Kaiser, which can be a hell of a feud. Sheamus has the strength but Ludwig is as nasty as they come, refusing to stop at nothing to get what he wants. I can’t see Kaiser getting out of the mid-card but anything is possible.

**Finn Balor vs Dragon Lee — would have been a better match if the rest of Judgement Day had stayed out of it. Once Carlto showed up it when to crap. Braun Strowman along with Rey Mysterio on the way to the ring to help Dragon Lee who had been jumped by also Carlto/J.D.

**Ricochet getting ready for a match with Braun Brekker. Ilja is in the locker room just trying to give Ricochet a bit of extra support. (not a fan of Braun just being let loose to do what he pleases just because he was not in the King of the Ring, it’s going to get old really quick.) Even with taped-up ribs, Ricochet held his own. Ilja came out to the ring to help Ricochet post-match, with Braun trying to put Ricochet on the shelf.

Sami Zayn will face Chad Gable at Clash at the Castle for the Intercontentional Title. Chad is using the Alpha Academy to do his dirty work towards Sami. Chad is a heel towards Alpha, waiting for them to wake up and walk away from Chad. (know its storyline but it’s just me) Will be interesting to see if Alpha Academy goes to the Castle if they play a part in the match.

Damien faced off against Rey Mysterio — it was a good match, given the time it needed to develop, telling a story. In the end, you know the routine the rest of Judgement Day showed up. Drew Mcintyre showed up to try, to take out Damien before Clash at the Castle but it was Drew who went through the announce table.

Published by Cricket Fox

Originally from Ohio but now call Adelaide, South Australia home. Husband Phil and I have taken our love of travel, being tourist in our own city, along with my love of Knit/Crochet turning it all into my world of writing. Phil helps with editing, along with final sign off on video projects. Pulling it all together under our prodection company "Fox5263 Productions"

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